When we remodeled our kitchen three years ago, we accidentally broke a piece of textured glass that was intended for the cabinet door. I couldn’t bear to just throw the glass away, but wasn’t quite sure how to reuse it. So, it’s been sitting around in the garage ever since.
On a recent trip to Aaron Brothers, it dawned on me to transform the broken glass into a message board. I came home and measured the salvageable area and searched online for the closest standard frame size. A local glass store cut the broken piece (for free!) to fit the frame I purchased. Since one side is ribbed and not suitable for writing, I inserted the glass into the frame with the smooth side facing out. Regular picture frame glass would work just as well.
A leftover scrap of fabric was inserted between the glass and frame backing to add visual interest. You could also use patterned wrapping paper, a vintage map or black and white photo. Just be sure to choose something fairly neutral so your message is legible against the background.
The finished product turned out great! I hung it next to the pantry so I can quickly jot down reminders when I run out of something. It’s easy to wipe clean with a damp cloth. Plus, I like that it doubles as a piece of artwork!

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