This little sweetie has captured our hearts! Our niece Nealy Brooke arrived on the scene in December and we are absolutely smitten with the newest addition to the family. While I’m slightly biased, there’s no arguing she’s ridiculously precious. She has that “fresh from heaven” smell, too. I could just eat her up!
Nealy’s favorite aunt thought she needed a festive little outfit to wear on her first Valentine’s Day, so I made this sweet side-snap tee for the special occasion. Of course, when I say “made” I mean bought it at the store and just sewed some fabric on. Bless your heart if you thought I actually made the tee too!
Here’s the whole ensemble. I purchased the pink and brown polka-dotted sweatsuit first and then searched for complementary fabric to use for the heart. I figure it’s only a matter of time before I become the crazy aunt who sends coordinating outfits for every holiday.
At least she’ll never have to worry about receiving knitted sweaters.

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