Y’all. I just cut my hair for the first time in a year!
Last summer my sweet mother-in-law lost her hair as a result of chemotherapy. I told her that I wanted to grow mine out, and that I would make a donation to Locks of Love in her honor. In order to donate, your hair needs to be at least 10 inches in a ponytail. Finally, after many months of trying to tame these thick, tangled tresses, today I felt ready to chop it all off!
My stylist cut 12 inches, to be exact!!! And, man, it sure feels good. Sometimes you just need to make a dramatic change to spice things up a bit!
I hoped to share this day with Brenda, but I have no doubt she’s giggling with excitement in heaven and celebrating that a very deserving child will get a new wig. I’m pretty certain that this is exactly what she would have wanted for Mother’s Day!

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