One of the things I miss about living in a big city are the abundant shopping options. Tulsa isn’t exactly the end of the Earth, but the choices here are much more limited than what I’d grown accustomed to while living in Austin. For instance, there is not a single Container Store in the entire state of Oklahoma – no one-stop-shop with aisle after aisle of clever products to solve every organizational challenge under the sun. What is an Okie to do?!
Well, I’ve learned that with a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can give Container Store a run for its money. There are plenty of simple storage solutions that can be made from recycled materials and other common household objects. Here are a few of my favorites:
clockwise from top: Soup Can Storage, Baby Food Jar Storage,
Pringles Can Organizer, PVC Curling Iron Holster, Cereal Box Magazine File
clockwise from top: Toilet Paper Roll Cord Container, Bread Tag Cable Labels,
Flip Flop Hangers, Sheet Sets In a Pillowcase,
Paint Stick Drawer Organizer, Branch Jewelry Organizer
Not only is it entertaining to shop your own recycle bin for potential storage solutions, but you will save alotta moola in the process. For those of you still playing along at home:
- Container Store’s Bamboo Drawer Organizer = 19.99
DIY Paint Stick Drawer Organizer = FREE - Container Store’s Magazine File = 9.99
DIY Cereal Box Magazine File = FREE with every cereal purchase - Container Store’s Cable IDs = 6.99
DIY Bread Tag Cable Labels = FREE - Container Store’s Flip Flop Hanger = 12.99
DIY Flip Flop Hangers = .99 (for decorative paper) - Container Store’s Jewelry Tree = 19.99
DIY Branch Jewelry Organizer = FREE
Organizing, recycling, and saving money at the same time – now that’s what I call multitasking, people!

5 Trackbacks
[…] Containers – I’m able to reuse a lot of food containers that would otherwise go in the recycling bin or trash. Egg cartons, glass jars, tin cans, cereal boxes, and toilet paper rolls are perfect for organizing on a budget. […]
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[…] your old wire hangers to organize your flip […]
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[…] your old wire hangers to organize your flip […]