Anyone remember making Cootie Catchers back in your grade school days? You know, the silly game where a folded sheet of notebook paper would predict who you’d marry, where you’d live, and how many kids you’d have? For some reason, I was reminded of them this week and thought it’d be fun to make a throwback version for Valentine’s Day to share with my lovely blog readers. Download this free Cootie Catcher printable to find out Cupid’s prediction for your love life, then use it to impress your friends.
If it’s been a while since you played, here’s a quick refresher (as demonstrated by this little brown cootie who I caught snatching my prototype right after I took the photo above):
Have a player choose one of the top four squares. Spell the name they chose while you open and close the Cootie Catcher up and down and side to side, once for each letter in the word. The player then selects one of the four visible numbers on the inside. Open the Cootie Catcher as you count up to the that number. Look inside and have the player choose another visible number. Open the flap under the number and read their fortune.
Finally, don’t underestimate the fortune-telling powers of the Cootie Catcher!

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