The weather has been so nice lately and I’ve been spending every chance I get outside working in the garden, thus the lack of frequent blog posts. Over the past week I’ve transplanted some daisies and irises that were getting too big, added a few drought-tolerant perennials, and put down 16 bags of mulch in the font yard alone. Fortunately, all that backbreaking work is beginning to pay off. Thanks to the recent rain we’ve received, everything is now starting to bloom and the colors are absolutely amazing! Here are some photos I took around our flower garden today:
Even Finchley seems to approve of the way things are shaping up….and he’s a pretty tough critic. Of course, I’m only showing you the good parts of the yard. I’ve yet to really tackle the flowerbeds in the back. And our grass….well, it is out. of. control. I swear, my work around here is never done.

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