Happy Cinco de Mayo, amigos! Today I’m popping in to share 5 things I’m loving right now. Appropriate, no?
Ménage à Trois California Red Wine
I rarely meet a wine I don’t enjoy, but this one is muy delicioso. It’s a blend of Zinfandel, Merlot, and Cabernet Sauvignon that costs around $10-ish dollars, which means it is a very FANCY bottle of wine. I like how its fruity robustness is balanced with tasty undertones and subtle hints of yumminess. You should totally try it; I think you’ll agree.
Tia Rosa Megathin Tortilla Chips & Riverwalk Cantina Salsa
Chips and salsa have always been my favorite “after school” snack, but I’ve only recently discovered the perfection of Aunt Rose’s tortilla chips dunked in salsa that is apparently imported straight from San Antonio’s Riverwalk. If you’ve never had this combo then RUN, don’t walk, to the nearest grocery store and getcha some. Just to clarify, these tortilla chips don’t make you megathin….it is just the chips themselves that are extra thin. That is a very important (and unfortunate) point which I feel needs to be stated.
Neutrogena Micro Mist Airbrush Sunless Tan
Every girl needs to know about this magical beauty product, which is essentially sunshine in a bottle. It is my secret weapon for not blinding people with the glare off my white legs. It sprays on evenly and doesn’t leave you looking like an orange the way some of the other tanning sprays do. Plus, at only $11, it’s much cheaper than a trip to the beach!
Lucky Brand Chandelier Earrings
I found these earrings on clearance at Dillard’s a few weeks ago and have worn them pretty much every day since then. They seem to go with practically everything without being matchy-matchy. I don’t know if you can still find these exact earrings in stores, but Lucky makes some similar styles that would probably like to make their home in my jewelry box as well.
So, I was petting the pretty clothes in Banana Republic one day and the catchiest song came on in the store. I immediately looked up the lyrics on my phone and discovered that the artist was MoZella. Her sound is kind of like Adele meets Colbie Caillat. I’m sure the cool kids already know all about her, but MoZella is a new discovery for me and I’M A FAN!
If you’re interested in seeing more of my favorite things, I started a collection of design finch faves on Amazon. These are affiliate links, so maybe I’ll earn millions to build my media empire here at design finch. Or at least a few pennies to buy a stick of gum. Who knows.

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[…] Cinco de Mayo! As is design finch tradition, today I’m sharing five of my most favoritest things. I’m writing this as I sit here […]
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