Between the hot, dry summer and the fact that we completely abandoned our poor potted plants for eight weeks while in Montana, let’s just say that things weren’t looking good when we returned home.
Coincidentally, our next door neighbors moved out while we were away. Can you blame them? They were probably tired of looking at this mess! Great, we are officially “that house” on the block.
Since the weather has finally cooled off to the point that we can work in the yard without bursting into flames, we decided it was time to finally remedy this sad situation.
We purchased this galvanized trough at a feed store a couple of years ago and, while it’s actually made for watering livestock, it’s the perfect size for a small little veggie garden. Since the tomato plants were pretty much past their prime, we removed all but one to make space for some Swiss Chard and Rosemary.
These colorful ceramic pots are my favorite. They lived on our back deck in Austin, but now we’re using them in the front (mostly because a certain little brown dog liked to dig in the pots when they were in the backyard). Hopefully the Celosia, Rudbeckia, Aster, Superbells and Flowering Cabbage we planted will thrive here. This cheerful combo of plants adds a lot of color to the front of the house and just makes me happy every time I pull in the driveway.
On the front steps we planted maroon and white mums (or crimson and cream mums, depending on who you ask). I feel like it’s not really fall until you put a pot of mums on the porch! All we need now are some pumpkins and we’ll be all set.
Here’s hoping our new neighbors like the view!

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