My mom is one of those amazing mothers who sewed elaborate, handmade Halloween costumes for my brothers and me every year when we were little. I don’t know how she found the time to do it, but she always did….even though we probably would have been perfectly content with store-bought costumes. While I’ll never have my Mom’s talent (or patience!) with a thread and needle, I hope to one day be a crafty mom who can whip up clever costumes like these for my little goblins. It’s never too early to start brainstorming, right?
Clockwise from top: Moose, Owl, Shark, Lizard, Little Lambs
Clockwise from top: Octopus, Butterfly, Peacock, Spring Chicken, Jellyfish
Clockwise from top: The Claw, Monster Truck, Robot, Vending Machine, Cowboy
Clockwise from top: Cotton Candy, Jelly Bellies, Lipton Tea Bag, Sushi,
Spaghetti & Meatballs
Clockwise from top: Garden Gnome, Oscar the Grouch, Scaly Serpent, Alien,
Hot Air Balloon
Clockwise from top: Bee Hive, Little Red Riding Hood, Rainbow,
Flower Bouquet, Paper Doll
What are your ghouls and boys going to be for Halloween this year?

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