So, yeah, we’re almost 2 months into 2013 and I’m just now getting around to posting our New Years card. Don’t judge.
We didn’t send out Christmas cards this year since we were in the middle of moving from Oklahoma to Colorado. (Honestly, we were total grinches in December… holiday card, no Christmas tree, zero decorations whatsoever. I’m surprised that I even remembered to buy presents for anyone on our list.) I count holiday cards among life’s simple pleasures, though, so as soon as we got settled I went to work designing a New Year card. I opted for a wintry feel to reflect our new surroundings – after all, what says “Colorado” like snowy mountains! Luckily, my little family humored me long enough to get a couple of decent shots for our card.
I thought I was being really efficient by putting our new mailing address and contact info on the back so that everyone could keep in touch. As luck would have it, right after I mailed 100 of these puppies to our closest friends and family, the local Post Office realized that they had mistakenly assigned 2 families to the same PO Box and our mail was getting all mixed up. To fix this lovely situation, we were reassigned to a different PO Box which means that our address has changed yet again. (So if you need to mail us anything, please email me for our “real” address!) Needless to say, I do not have fond feelings for the United States Postal Service at the moment. In fact, I’ve already decided that I’m sending next year’s cards via carrier pigeon. How cool will that be?

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[…] never shared our holiday card like I have in the past (you can see previous ones here: 2009, 2011, 2012). This year’s card wasn’t very Christmasy because, frankly, I got a late start and […]
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