The big day finally arrived – Jason’s law school graduation! We’ve been looking forward to this milestone since embarking on this journey 3 years ago. We traveled back to Tulsa to celebrate the momentous occasion with friends, family and classmates.
A few months prior, I emailed save the dates to our family through Paperless Post. I had some free credits in my account, so this cost approximately ZILCH American dollars. It was super easy and efficient, plus I saved a tree or two in the process.
Instead of purchasing the generic invitations offered by the university, I designed custom graduation announcements for Jason. I was sneaky and scanned most of his long-lost school photos when he wasn’t watching so that I could include them on the brunch invite. I was surprised that I was able to find all except 9th and 11th grades. What a cutie pie Jason was then….and still is! More than 25 years later, he looks exactly like he did in his Kindergarten pic!
I also designed custom placemats to decorate the tables at the brunch I hosted in honor of Jason’s graduation. Everyone enjoyed seeing his old school portraits from Pre-K all the way through law school. The brunch was at La Villa in the Philbrook Museum of Art, which is such a beautiful venue that it doesn’t require much decor at all. The placemats were perfect because they were easy to transport in my suitcase from Colorado to Oklahoma without Jason even noticing. I’m not sure if he was more embarrassed or surprised that I was able to dig up all of those school pics!
We were fortunate to have so many of our favorite people join us for brunch and graduation. It was such a memorable weekend! If Jason and I have learned anything at all over the past 3 years, it’s that we are blessed beyond measure with supportive family and friends. I don’t know how we would have made it through law school without them!
Law School Tuition: $96,168
Books: $9,300
Hours Spent in the Library: 8,760
Doctoral Graduation Tam: $60
Watching Husband Fulfill His Dream: Priceless

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