As I sit down to go through the latest construction photos and write this post, I’m realizing just how little got accomplished at the job site this week. A couple new interior walls were framed and some minor work was done to prepare for the new roof and entry, but that’s about the extent of it. None of these things translate into riveting blog content, unfortunately. Don’t these construction workers know that I have photos to take and posts to write? You’d better believe that this coming week I will demand blog-worthy progress!
Instead of the usual mediocre photos, today I’ll share the finishes that I’ve been pulling together in hopes that we’ll eventually get to the fun part of the construction process. Who cares about joists and insulation and ventilation systems anyway? I want to talk color palettes, cabinetry and flooring!
One of the hardest parts of this renovation project has been sourcing the finishes, as we don’t have a plethora of home improvement stores up here in the mountains. I’ve done a lot of online research, but I really have to touch and feel (and over-analyze) all of the materials before I can commit. That being said, I think we’ve finally pulled together a cohesive palette of finishes that Jason and I both agree on. We prefer to keep the palette mostly neutral and bring in bright pops of color with furniture and artwork. Keep in mind we have neither said furniture nor artwork, so this is a long-term vision.
We spent the majority of our weekend agonizing over the merits of color swatches with charming names such as “Parkside Pine”, “Honey Twist” and “Chocolate Fizz”. As much as I wanted to pick “Georgia Peach” and “Sweet Potato Pie” as a nod to our southern roots, we are apparently more “Mountain Fog” and “Timber Bark” kind of people when it comes to jazzing up the exterior of our home.
And because I’m nothing if not a wee bit obsessive about these sorts of decorating decisions, I spent a few hours too many mocking up various color combinations in Photoshop. I believe this is the exterior palette we have settled on….for now, anyway. Jason finally agreed to the red accents when I sold it to him as the “Boomer Sooner” palette. Obviously it could also pass as “Fightin’ Texas Aggie” in the right lighting conditions. And that is what I call a winning color combo.

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[…] There was a lot of behind the scenes drama to get us to this point! Long story short, the original flooring installer we had lined up flaked out at the last minute so we had to scramble to line up another subcontractor. The new guys saved the day and did a great job for us! The flooring is wide-planked engineered Ventura Mission Oak from Hallmark Hardwoods. We went with a glue down installation method for added durability. We may have been crazy choosing such a dark finish since it will show every speck of dust, but I love the sharp contrast is gives to the space. All of the rooms in the house have the same hardwoods except for the mudroom and bathrooms, which are tile. […]