The excitement in our hood this week is that we have a mama bear and her two cubs (see photo) roaming the streets. Several neighbors have spotted them in their yards and one even reported that a bear broke through their garage window to eat the trash. If Goldilocks shows up, we’ll have a real life fairy tale!
In the meantime, here are a few photos of this week’s construction progress:
Work on the front porch continues….one. plank. at. a. time. It has to be the most painfully slow thing I’ve ever witnessed. The crew averages approximately 2 rows of boards per day.
The lap siding is almost finished, we just lack one wall of the garage. Red panels will go on the part that’s currently wrapped in Tyvek.
The landscaping crew from the town came out this week to plant two Honey Locusts to replace the Cottonwood trees they removed earlier this summer. They have plans to do more landscaping to this bed next spring. At some point in the near future we are going to need to replace the fence because it’s literally falling over. The projects are never-ending!
The insulation guys finished mid-week and then the drywall crew got to work. They made themselves right at home and even brought their own microwave as if they are planning to stay for awhile.
The concrete subfloors were poured over the radiant heat tubing on Tuesday before the drywallers began. The concrete has to cure for a month before we can seal them and lay the hardwoods on top. Clearly the drywall crew is not too concerned with cleaning up after themselves. They are too busy with more important things, like microwaving their frozen burrito snacks.
This photo just shows what a disaster the interior is right now. I can not imagine living in a house during an extensive remodel like this one.
I’m fairly certain our bear friends would take one look inside and run for the forest! Maybe they would microwave a few burritos first.

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