Our house felt like a beehive this week – there were subcontractors swarming everywhere! The roof and solar panels were actually installed a couple of weeks ago, but my camera batteries died so I’m just now sharing them.
Once the siding was complete, the roofers returned to finish installing the shingles. We chose Onyx Black asphalt shingles, simply because I liked the contrast against the other exterior materials. If money were no object, we would have gone with a standing seam metal roof, but since that was not in the budget I think this was a good compromise.
The plumber installed our solar thermal panels on the garage roof. These will create radiant heat by absorbing sunlight, which will then be used to heat our house in the winter and also for our hot water. We would like to think that we’re so high tech and green, but in reality we have no idea what we’re doing!
The drywall was finally finished this week, thank goodness! They will need to come back later for some final touch ups in a few places, but at least we can now move on to other projects like doors and trim. We went with a smooth texture on all the walls and it’s a dramatic improvement over the orange peel texture we had before.
The painters knocked out all the interior painting this week. The wall color is Useful Gray in eggshell and the ceilings are Nuance in flat, both from Sherwin Williams. We painted the entire house the same colors to keep things simple. And also because my head might explode if I have to make one. more. decision.
The showers in both bathrooms are being waterproofed and prepped for tile. Can’t wait to take my first solar heated shower in here!
There is obviously still a ton to be done, but we’re getting closer. I’d like to think we can move in a month from now, but that’s probably being optimistic.

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