“Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.”
– Joe Fox (Tom Hanks) in You’ve Got Mail
Well, it doesn’t exactly feel like fall here in Tulsa, Oklahoma but that back to school excitement is definitely in the air. My hubby starts his first year of law school this week! Yesterday we ran into Target and Office Depot to pick up a few supplies he needed and, oh my goodness, there is so much cute stuff out there right now! Unfortunately, I couldn’t convince him to get the elephant-shaped lunch pail….and he even passed on the pastel-colored legal pads. I can’t imagine why!
Buying school supplies is one of my favorite things in the whole wide world. There is something exhilarating about picking out a brand new spiral notebook and a box of sharpened Crayons in 64 glorious colors….it’s a fresh start, a new year full of possibilities. These are my picks for going back to school in style:
1. Gourmet Getaway Lunch Tote 2. LunchSkins Sandwich Bag
3. ScanDisk Cruzer Gator Flash Drive 4. Paper Source Academic Calendar
5. Bone Paper Clips 6. russell+hazel Three-ring Binder Set 7. Giraffe Legal Pad
8. Sarah Pinto Notebooks 9. Jonathan Adler Chevron Pen 10. MUJI Colored Pencils 11. Eraser Ring 12. russell+hazel Adhesive Note Set 13. Sushi Stapler
Even those of us who aren’t hitting the books again deserve a new pretty or two….you know, just a little something to keep the creative juices flowing! Let me also recommend my all-time favorite school supply, the KinderMat. Remember when taking a nap after lunch was mandatory?
Ah, Kindergarten! Yes, I believe that was the same year I sported a backpack adorned with “real” butterfly wings.

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[…] fall is my absolute favorite time of year? I adore everything about it – aisle after aisle of school supplies, a crisp breeze in the air, colorful foliage, layered outfits, and any recipe in which pumpkin is […]