Happy Founders Day to all my Delta Gamma sisters! Yesterday I celebrated 139 years of DG sisterhood with these beautiful faces. My favorite part of Founders Day is always looking around the room filled with amazing women of all ages and backgrounds, and realizing that we’re each united together in the bonds of Delta Gamma. Whether its a sister I’ve known since college or one I just met for the very first time, we have at least one thing in common that we can connect over.
However, I must say that as an 18-year-old freshman going through sorority recruitment at Texas A&M, I certainly wasn’t dreaming about the day I’d be sitting at a table full of retired ladies, enjoying a salad lunch while swapping stories about living in the Delta Gamma house. At the time, I was just interested in choosing the sorority that threw the best date parties so I could begin amassing a wardrobe full of “cotton” with my Greek letters and cover my bulletin board in Party Pics. Most importantly, I wanted to make a few friends because I didn’t know a single soul on campus.
Boy, did I luck out! Not only did I make friends, but I found 250 of the kindest, most genuine girls on campus. And I was initiated into the finest women’s fraternity in the world which, even today as an alumna, encourages me to further develop my talents and grow as a leader.
Yet, 13 years ago, I found myself standing in front of the DG house….just hoping for a cool t-shirt. Funny how life works!
But, I digress….back to Founders Day! This year I was tasked with making the table numbers for the luncheon and decided it would be more festive to name each of the tables something that represented Delta Gamma’s founding…..Anna, Mary, Eva, Oxford, 1873, Hope, “Do Good”, etc. So I created these little table tents to match the decor.
As guests arrived, they drew a slip of paper from a vase to get their table assignment. This random seating arrangement encouraged alumnae and collegians to mix and mingle. To spark conversation, each table tent had questions printed on the back….things like “What is your favorite Delta Gamma memory?” and “How is sorority life different now from when you were in college?”. It worked out really well, so I’m sharing the templates I made in case other Delta Gamma groups would like to use them for their celebrations.
A few tips for using these free printables:
- There are enough table tents here for 16 tables. If you need more than that, send me a message.
- To make the anchor pop-up, cut around the outer edge of the anchor (the top portion that prints on the back of the table tent) with an X-acto knife before folding the table tent in half.
- For the table assignments, print out the slips found on the last page of the PDF. If there will be 8 people seated per table, print 8 copies of that page.
As I was making these, I wondered how our founders Anna, Mary, and Eva would have answered the questions. I have no doubt they would be proud of the little club they started all those years ago!

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