You know what one of my very favorite things about spring and summer is? Shopping for fresh produce at the farmers’ market! Call me a weirdo, but it’s seriously more exciting than a trip to the candy store for me. I’m so thrilled that our local farmers’ market opens for the season in a couple of weeks!
Shortly after moving to Tulsa, we joined an all-natural food co-op run by a local farming family where we buy most of our fresh produce and organic meat throughout the year. (If you live in the Tulsa area, consider stopping by Natural Farms to see what they are all about.) We love being able to support local farmers while eating healthy, yummy food. Plus, it’s just so darn convenient to place our order online and have our groceries waiting for us to pick up each week!
I always look forward to seeing what’s in our produce bag since the contents vary depending on what is fresh and in season. Once I get home with my goodies, then I plan meals based on the ingredients we have on hand. To simplify the planning process, I created a spreadsheet showing which of our favorite recipes contain produce items commonly found in our co-op bag. That way, hopefully nothing goes to waste!
Download a blank copy of my “Eat Your Veggies” recipe organizer to customize with your own favorites. Then, leave me a comment and share one of your simple recipes for enjoying all of that summer bounty…..especially if your recipe has anything to do with homemade guacamole or mint mojitos!
Yay for fruit and veggies!

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[…] Local – We buy almost all of our produce and meat from Natural Farms or the farmers’ market. This reduces the environmental impact of shipping food long distances and also keeps money in the […]