Welcome to the international headquarters of design finch, Inc! I thought I’d show you were all the magic happens, but in order to truly appreciate the space you need to see the complete transformation. While I enjoy sharing an office with my hubby, our previous workspace was really cramped, inefficient and lacked storage for books and supplies. The office has a decent-sized closet, but without adequate shelving it was mostly wasted space. This is what the closet looked like shortly after we moved in…..
…..and this is what it looks like today! We removed the existing shelf and clothes bar, painted the interior of the closet gray, then installed white and platinum Elfa shelving from the Container Store. Since the shelving goes all the way to the ceiling, there is plenty of room to store my books, design magazines, paper samples, etc. I lovingly call it my “Cloffice” (closet + office).
The shelving on the left houses my all-in-one printer/scanner/copier/fax, along with office supplies. Rolls of wrapping paper are tucked way in the back, yet still easily accessible.
The best part of all is that I can close the doors when I’m done working and just walk away.

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