My newest niece is due to make her grand debut later this month and I am over-the-moon excited about meeting her! Earlier this summer I had the honor of designing the invitations and stationery for her baby shower. The hostesses decided on a cowgirl theme, which is appropriate given the fact that my brother and sister-in-law live on a ranch with cows and horses and drive big ol’ pickup trucks. They are legit Texans! If those genes (or jeans!) get passed down, Baby Girl will likely be a cowgirl, too.
Or maybe she’ll rebel against country life and grow up to be a city girl. Or move to the mountains to live with her favorite aunt. Who knows!
I designed the shower invitations to look like a sassier version of an old Western playbill, using a mix of vintage and modern typefaces. The color palette for the shower was obviously pink, turquoise and brown. In keeping with the sweet and feminine (not overly kitschy) cowgirl theme, a mix of polka dot and paisley patterns were used throughout the stationery and decor.
I love the verse from James 1:17 that says “Every good and perfect gift is from above”. We believe this little one is certainly a gift sent straight from heaven! I had the verse printed on a square canvas to decorate the guest book table. During the shower, guests wrote notes, blessings and wishes for baby on notecards and dropped them inside a cowboy boot. I hope someday Baby Girl reads them and knows how much she is loved, even before she was born.
Here are a few photos from the shower in July. I can’t take credit for any of the amazing food or beautiful table decorations – that is not my area of expertise. Being the out-of-state aunt, I got the easy job! It was such a fun afternoon celebrating my sweet sister-in-law and the little cowgirl that is on her way! Yipee ki yi yay!

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