The house remodel is still keeping us on our toes. I swear, it could be a full time job and we’re not even the ones doing the manual labor! We try to pop by to check on progress once a day, then there are numerous phone calls to answer, decisions to be made, subcontractors to keep up with, bills to be paid, schedules to coordinate, and shopping to be done. I could use a few more hours in the day to check off some of these tasks. Or a personal assistant.
Just like magic, the old front door disappeared and became the new dining room window. Our beautiful new front door is still waiting in the garage to be installed. And I’m hoping the new garage door will arrive next week.
All of the new windows except two have been installed. It’s starting to feel like a real house now that we have windows! A rain shower rolled through when I was at the house snapping photos and, for the first time since construction began, the rain wasn’t coming inside. So that’s progress!
Interior view of the new windows. The majority of the windows in our house are operable, so we’ll be able to get a nice breeze blowing through. Our house, like most of the homes here in the mountains, doesn’t have air conditioning. There are only a couple of weeks during the summer that we really miss it. Everyone around here just sleeps with their windows open. That was a weird thing for this Texas girl to get used to!
Rough-in for the plumbing is almost complete. We’re trying to stay two steps ahead of the plumber, so we had to finalize all of the fixture purchases this week. Here’s what we decided on:
Delta Vero Shower Trim, Italia Capri Towel Hook and Paper Holder,
Vessel Sink Faucet, European Vessel Sink
I purchased everything online, and so far everything has arrived except for the shower fixtures. After researching hundreds of options for fixtures, I decided to keep it simple and order the same things for both the master and guest bathrooms rather than having to shop for different styles. I love the sleek look of polished chrome, so that’s what we went with in both bathrooms. However, I may be cursing that decision once I’m trying to scrub water deposits off the shiny new chrome.
Hahn Stainless Steel Farmhouse Sink, Danze Foodie Faucet
I scored pretty good deals on the kitchen fixtures at Costco. I think the stainless steel farmhouse sink is going to look great in our modern kitchen! I just hope it comes with a little fairy who washes the dishes. The boxes for all of these fixtures are currently piled in the middle of our condo living room, so I hope the plumber is ready for them soon!

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[…] of our plumbing fixtures are now installed, too. We did the same European vessel sinks and faucets in both bathrooms. Now we’re just waiting for the mirrors and shower glass door to be […]