We have owned our house for a year today! The ironic thing is that we’ve still yet to live there….
Look at those excited new homeowners in 2013. So energetic! So ready to tackle that remodel! So naive!!! And then here we are today….forced smiles and just SO. OVER. IT. ALREADY.
You may have noticed that we now have an extra passenger on board, too. Yes, baby Groves is due to arrive in January! We are absolutely thrilled about our tiniest little addition, although I don’t recommend trying to remodel whilst gestating. If you’ve been playing along since the beginning, you may know that we’re currently on week 29 of construction. I happen to be 28 weeks pregnant, which means I’m officially making a human being faster than this house is being remodeled!
Anyway, I thought it would be fun to put together a little comparison of photos from when we closed last October 28th to where we are today.
Not shown here are the hundreds of hours spent pouring over and revising house plans, daily visits (sometimes hourly visits) to check on construction progress, thousands of phone calls to/from contractors, weekends spent researching and budget crunching, and millions of decisions made on every last detail from the color of screw heads to the energy-rating of windows. Possibly with a few temper tantrums and curse words interspersed here and there. Needless to say, it’s been an exhausting year!
And, as you can tell from today’s photos, we’re still not quite done. We WILL be moved in by the end of November, though, because otherwise we’ll be homeless when our condo lease expires. That should give us two solid months to get settled before the little bambino rocks our world in January. It’s never boring around here, that’s for sure!
So Happy First Houseiversary, crazy casa! You are definitely not the same house you were a year ago. And these crazy homeowners have a few more wrinkle lines to prove it.

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