BEWARE: Kids can’t run on sugar power alone. If you’re looking for some savory, semi-nutritous Halloween recipes to balance out all of the candy corn, well, you’ve come to the right place! Feast your eyes on these spooktacular dinner ideas that will trick little goblins into eating something that is actually good for them.
Clockwise from top: Boo Spaghetti, Spooky Stuffed Peppers,
Creepy Mini Pizzas, Bloody Eyeballs, Calzone Snake
Clockwise from top: Mummy Dogs, Mac & Cheese Coffin,
Spiderweb Nachos, Spiderweb Soup, Witches’ Brew Soup
Clockwise from top: Good Witch Sandwich, Monster Face Sandwiches,
Jack o’ Lantern Grilled Cheese, Spooky Pumpkin Pancakes,
Dead Man’s Finger Sandwiches
Inspired to brew up something festive for your little devils this Halloween? The fact that these frightfully tasty treats are actually dinner-worthy will remain our little secret…. Bwahahahaha!