Three weeks down, only seventeen more to go! The weather almost didn’t cooperate this week. Believe it or not, it snowed off and on Monday–Wednesday! Yes, it’s May and it’s still snowing here. The end of the week brought gorgeous weather, though.
One of the biggest projects this week was lowering the pitch of the garage roof. The new rafters are about 50% complete. This was one of those “wish list” projects that we almost scrapped due to budget, but now we’re so happy that we decided to move forward.
The interior of the garage is currently a mess of electrical wires and shady-looking scaffolding. Oh, yeah…and there isn’t a roof. We like to keep things classy!
The other big project this week was construction of the foundation wall for the addition. The town’s building inspector came by to make sure everything passed inspection before the concrete was poured on Friday afternoon. We got the green light!
The mudroom is also looking especially classy right now. Roof…who needs a roof? I am kinda digging all of the natural sunlight anyway.
Now that the wall between the guest bath and old master bath is down, you can really get a sense of the size of the new guest bathroom. The white pipe in the middle of the room is where the old wall used to divide the two bathrooms.
This loft in the old master bedroom was kind of pointless. The previous tenants had a desk up there, but mostly it was a graveyard for spiders. We’re utilizing that space to raise the ceiling in the bathroom below.
Praying the snow is finally behind us and only sunny, bluebird days ahead. Happy spring!